From Self-Doubt to Self-Assured: 6 Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever found yourself thinking, "Am I really good enough for this?" or "What if they find out I don't belong here?" 

Trust us when we say, you're not alone. We all experience imposter syndrome at some point in our careers. For many of us, it can feel like those feelings of self-doubt and insecurity are following us around everywhere. Just waiting to pipe up as soon as we spot that dream job posting on LinkedIn or a new client questions why we’ve done something a certain way. 

But there’s good news: Imposter syndrome is something that you can overcome.

Here are six tips we’ve found helpful.


Tip #1: Identify your triggers

First up, it can be helpful to understand what sets off those feelings of self-doubt for you. Everyone experiences imposter syndrome differently. So this step is all about self-reflection and self-discovery – figuring out what triggers YOU. 

Think about the situations or thoughts that make you feel like an imposter. Is it that weekly meeting with your boss? Or giving a presentation to your colleagues? What about the feedback you received from a client? Once you’ve identified your triggers, you can take proactive steps to manage them.

Tip #2: Acknowledge your emotions

It can be tempting to ignore those uncomfortable feelings of imposter syndrome. Believe us, we’ve been there before. But acknowledging them is important. Write down the emotions you’re feeling on a piece of paper. Take a moment to understand where they’re coming from. Remember, you are not alone in experiencing imposter syndrome. By putting your feelings into words, you might even see that you're not an imposter at all.

Tip #3: Reframe your thoughts

Maybe you’ve figured out what triggers imposter syndrome for you, and know how to embrace those uncomfortable emotions. But the reality is, imposter thoughts are still bound to pop up now and then. When they do, another thing you can do is to reframe your thoughts. When you notice self-doubt, counter your thoughts with positive affirmations like "I have the skills and experience to tackle this challenge because..." This mindset shift can help bring a broader perspective, reminding you of your capabilities and the unique value you bring to your role.


Tip #4: Connect with your biggest cheerleaders

When you're feeling like an impostor, reach out to the people you trust and share your feelings with them. Spend time with those who bring out the best in you – the ones who support you when you’re feeling at your lowest. There’s a good chance they might even understand what you're going through. And by opening up, you could help others who are in a similar situation feel less alone and more connected. 

Remember, you're not alone in feeling like an imposter.

Tip #5: Embrace your greatness

Take a moment to write down at least 10 reasons why you're just as qualified as anyone else for the role you're seeking, the project you're leading, or the work you're doing. 

This can include your education, past experiences, achievements, and pretty much anything else that makes you great. This exercise can help you challenge those impostor syndrome doubts. Seeing these things written down can also be a great reminder of all that you have to offer. Remember, you bring unique talents and perspectives to the table, and these are what make you stand out. 

Embrace your qualities, trust yourself, and move forward with confidence!

Tip #6: Celebrate your wins

Finally, it's important to take the time to recognize and celebrate your successes, no matter how big or small they may be. Give yourself a high five for completing that huge project, taking on new responsibilities, or being a good friend to others at work. Tell yourself out loud: “I’m proud of what I’ve done!” And acknowledge the progress you’ve made along the way. 

No matter how you choose to celebrate, taking the time to acknowledge your wins is a great strategy for rising above imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome can be a difficult experience, but it doesn't have to hold you back. With the right approach, you can become confident in your abilities and overcome this feeling once and for all. ​​Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and taking small steps towards a more positive self-image can help you become way more confident over time.


Article author: Kirstin Kadé  - Kirstin is a product manager with a heart for improving people’s health through technology. When she's not making the world a healthier place, she enjoys a good cup of coffee and exploring the field of behavioural science. You can find her on Linkedin.


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